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Bird Watching

When you plan trips etc you plan them a long way ahead. Sometimes you need to change things to suit circumstances. Today the boarders were meant to be going to College Lake for a spot of birdwatching, but a hectic weekend saw them looking exhausted. With rock climbing in the afternoon it was felt possibly they might benefit from some “chill time”. Nihal and Owen though were determined and off we set in the school grounds. Within a minute we had seen 5 different species and as we walked around the grounds they kept on spotting other birds. Lockers is set in 23 acres of grounds and even though we are surrounded with houses we are a haven for wildlife. Over 60 different species of bird have been spotted in the grounds and we have muntjac deer, rabbits, foxes, squirrels, newts, frogs, slow worms and many more species resident in the grounds. Our favourite spot today were a family of long tailed tits who entertained us with their acrobatics.