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Year 7 study biodiversity at The Boxmoor Trust

Our Year 7 pupils are going up to The Boxmoor Trust this week in two groups to study biodiversity. Firstly they had a look at the plants that were growing in two different habitats, using quadrats. These are square frames thrown at random. When they land you look in easch square and count how many different species you can see. The Boxmoor Trust land is rather special as it is farmed organically, so there are far more species than on most farmland. They then did a spot of pond dipping and had great success. Not only did they catch adult newts they also managed to catch some baby ones. These with the dragon fly larvae and water beetles showed what a healthy and diverse pond the Boxmoor Trust have. If only all farmland was as full of such varied life! Very many thanks to Mr Iqbal and Mrs Ashburner for organising the visit and to The Boxmoor Trust for hosting us.