Book A Visit

Year 5 & 6 visit Tate Britain

On 4th of June, 2019, Year 5 and Year 6 went to Tate Britain in London. We went with Mr Phillips (DT), Mrs Hill and Miss White. It took us 2hours and 10 minutes to go there, because Donald Trump was in London and the police blocked all the roads. Thankfully, it took us less time when we were getting back to Lockers Park. We divided to 2 groups, B6D with B5P, and B6J with B5S. B6J and B5S went to explore J.M.W Turner first and the other group did the Van Gogh exhibition. We had question sheets where we find out about Turner’s paintings and himself. My favourite painting of Turner was ‘The Shipwreck’. Turner painted the sea and the sunsets really well and it looked really realistic. After we did the Turner activity, we swapped around and our group went to the Van Gogh exhibition. After we did the Turner, I thought that we were going to have lunch but I was disappointed (I was really hungry.) We had another question sheet about Van Gogh. There was a prize for both of them when you answered most correct questions. I think it was my first time that I saw real Van Gogh paintings. My favourites were the Sunflower, his self-portrait and the Starry Night. Van Gogh had mental issues but I think his expression of the paintings were amazing. I liked the way that he drew the beard, with lots of colours. I liked how he drew the sky in the painting ‘Starry Night’. After we had done that, we went to lunch. The lunch was delicious! After we had lunch, we looked through the gallery. There were many realistic paintings. There was this painting which I thought was a photo! After, we went to the coach and it took us 1 hour and 15 minutes. It was quiet an interesting day and my favourite painting was the Starry Night by Van Gogh. In my opinion, although Turner’s painting is realistic, but I liked Van Gogh more than Turner because I like the style of Van Gogh’s paintings more. It was an amazing day and I learnt many important things.

Thank you Jason for a great report.