Book A Visit

Burns Night

Mr Erskine-Naylor played “A Man’s A Man for A’That” (with his Bluetooth speaker, not his bagpipes) as Miss Hale brought the haggis triumphantly into the Boarders’ Common Room, before bumbling his way through ‘The Selkirk Grace’ and ‘Address to a Haggis’ – his ancestors in the Mar and Kellie Mausoleum were doubtless turning in their graves at his poor pronunciation and staccato diction! Adam, the youngest boy present and a tender 8 years old, cut the haggis as 28 wide-eyed boarders watched in awe as the delicious contents of the wee sheep’s stomach poured out onto the silver platter. Yep, we demolished 2 big haggis in short order, and 25 of the boys tried it – many of them for the first time. “It tastes a bit Chinese”, “I only eat Russian food”, “is that really a sheep’s stomach?”, “is thirds OK?” and “my Dad really loves whisky” were just some of the classic Lockers comments during the evening…I love this place!

“Som hae meat and canna eat,
And some wad eat that want it,
But we hae meat and we can eat,
And sae the Lord be thankit.”