The Lockers Park boarding house was full of fun-seeking boys from Years 4 and 8 last weekend. Saturday afternoon was spent largely in the school grounds. If you think Christmas makes an 8 year old happy, for pure unadulterated enjoyment, you should should try telling him he can play in the Bs Shrubs! After an hour or two on the ‘Bum Burner’, boys then moved inside to the Art Room, where Mrs Hill had left out a box of goodies for the boy to make masks and Elmer Elephants.
After some down time, the boys went up to the Boarding House to enjoy an organic and healthy meal of pizzas, fizzy drinks and ice cream while watching the Lego Movie with Miss Harrison, while Mr Phillips was up in the new Years 7 and 8 Common Room with the older boys who hunkered down to ‘Spectre’. Is it just me, or is that a very, very long film?
Like the little angels they are, there was not a squeak after lights out as the boys fell fast asleep after a memorable day.
Sunday morning offered a small lie-in, a Lockers fry up and then home to their parents.
By Mr C. Phillips, Head of French.