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Maths Week –

1+1 = fun!

Our 2023 Maths Week theme is mental calculations and estimation.

The boys are exploring this in their Maths lessons in a number of different ways. There are age-related numerical challenges being set by the Maths teachers across the school.

Today’s Prep assembly will illustrate why estimation is such a useful skill. Our final activity will be the Set Maths Competition where teams of senior boys ae tested in their numerical abilities and their problem-solving skills as they battle for the honour of their Sets.

Showing our support – It’s so important to be able to talk about mental health and show everyone that mental health matters – which is why we’re part of World Mental Health Day.

For us every day is a day to let our day boys, boarders, teachers and staff know that it’s okay to ask for help, whatever they’re going through.  That is why 80% of our teaching staff are MHFA trained – we always have someone to talk to.

#worldmentalhealthday #wellbeing #stalbans #berkhamsted #mhfa