Tatler Awards – Unsung Hero

Posted: 14th June 2024

At Lockers Park there are lots of people who work tireless behind the scenes, helping everyone with everything, and we have a chance to recognise them. 

One of these is John Timmons, Head of Maintenance, who treats every member of the Lockers community as his own family (and some actually are) which means no ask is ever too big.  

From changing tyres to racing out in the middle of the night to attend emergencies, he does it not just without complaint, but with enthusiasm. He takes note of anything which would make life easier for teachers, staff and boys and actions it.  

John is the kind of person who is never rattled by the busyness of school life, he always has a smile and can-do attitude.  

He is so incredibly approachable that boys now take themselves to work with him in break times and see to the chickens under his guidance. They have even mapped out extensions for the chicken huts and met with him to discuss how this would work. If the boys want something he always finds a way to make it happen.  

He has run the maintenance of Lockers Park as a one-man band and has now established the most tremendous team around him. They all share his can-do attitude across their day in everything they do.  

John is an inspiration to those young men he works with and to the school team as a whole. He is undoubtedly an unsung hero at Lockers Park and deserves the Unsung Hero award and so much more.  

Please help us by voting for John Timmons in this year’s Tatler Education Awards – simply click here and nominate him: https://forms.gle/SMKa87uKexVc8E288