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VE Day Baking

Well done to all those that took part in the VE Baking Assignment. The cakes look fantastic and they  look very tasty too!

VE Day

All staff and children here at Lockers Park have been enjoying learning about VE Day through their Remote Learning this week. The Pre-Prep children had fun making origami doves as…

Remote Learning Work

It has been great to see the work that the children have been doing at home this week. Keep up the good work!

The Great Indoors Camp!

The 7th Hemel Hempstead Great Indoors Camp took place with Zoom meetings on Friday evening and Saturday morning. The Beavers made pictures with fruit and raw vegetables, which they then…

Jack and the Beanstalk

This week our Year 1 children have been learning about Jack and the Beanstalk and in their Remote Lessons, Miss Lewis has been reading the story to the children. In…

First ‘Live’ Assembly of the Term

On Friday the Headmaster held a live assembly from his office. The whole school were watching from their homes as Mr Wilson announced the Head Boy and Captain of Cricket…

First Days of Remote Learning

Well done to all the children for their first couple of days of Remote Learning. It was great to see the children working so hard and producing fantastic work. The…

Welcome to the Summer Term

Welcome to the summer term, a very different start of term for you all! We hope you enjoy your Remote Learning and embrace all the opportunities that will come your…

Easter Chicks

The Gough family have been incubating eggs and the chicks hatched on Thursday and Friday just in time for Easter. Thank you for sharing this wonderful news and we hope…

Easter Fun

It has been wonderful to see so many photographs of what you have been doing over the Easter break. An impressive virtual quiz for family and friends has been devised…