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Thank you NHS and all Key Workers

The Lockers Park community continually thank the NHS and all Key Workers for the wonderful job they are doing during these difficult times. It is an honour to stand on…

Lockers Park In The Sun

We hope you are all enjoying the glorious sunshine. The school and grounds always look so spectacular when the sun is shining. We hope you are all keeping well and…

FoLP Cheese and Wine Evening

Towards the end of the spring term FoLP held their Cheese & Wine Tasting evening. Around 40 parents joined our experts Chris Wilson and Nigel Barden for an evening which…

Keeping busy

It has been lovely to see what you have all been doing during the Easter break. We are pleased to see that many of you are enjoying walks with your…

New addition to our Lockers Park Family

The Wilson’s are delighted to introduce Bella to the Lockers Park family. Bella is a Red Fox Labrador and is 8 weeks old. Amelia and Florence are loving having a…

Fun at Home

Thank you to all those that have sent emails and photographs letting us know what you have been doing at home. We hope you are all keeping well and it…

Spring at Lockers Park

Spring is in the air at Lockers Park. Buds are growing, there’s splashes of colour here and there and the sky is a beautiful blue this morning. We hope all…

Science week

This is an action packed week in the Science Department. As well as having a number of visiting scientists the boys are also competing in the Set Science Competition. Each…

A Royal Welcome

We were delighted to welcome so many families to our royal-themed Open Morning event yesterday. Thank you to pupils and staff for ensuring the morning ran smoothly and to the…

Sport Relief

Lockers Park supported Sport Relief yesterday with all pupils coming to school in a sports top of their choice. Every child took part in a continuous game of football and…