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School Life

We pack a lot in to our school terms to give our pupils abundant opportunities. Special events include:

  • The Feast – A Christmas buffet supper for the boys including traditional and bizarre party games such as Spin the Platter. A true highlight of the year.
  • The Balloon Debate – Boys act as famous characters and put forwards their case as to why they should remain in the Hot Air Balloon
  • Any Questions — A public speaking event for a panel of our Year 8 boys, who answer questions such as choosing which part of the body to lose (toes are popular), to whether numbers or letters are more important
  • Lockers Got Talent – An event of much hilarity
  • A Perfect Term Tea – To celebrate the boys who have had a clean sheet with no sanctions the previous term
  • Set Competitions – “I enjoyed leading my Set and sharing the wins and the losses with my teammates,” House Captain. Our pupils take pride and ownership of their Sets (Houses) through a series of Inter-Set Competitions from Sport and Music through to Debating and Poetry Competitions. Our Sets are small communities in themselves, with pupils fiercely loyal and competitions keenly contested. By allowing every pupil to compete, these activities play a vital role in each child’s development at Lockers Park, helping boost confidence and demonstrating how hard work and commitment can lead to success.
  • Informal Music Concerts — 95% of our pupils play a musical instrument, making these concerts such wonderful events
  • Regular Sports Fixtures and of course, our Sports Day
  • A Senior and Junior School Play
  • Poetry Competition — We are always stunned by the fantastic performances of our pupils
  • Prefect Supper — A treat for those boys awarded with the responsibility of prefect, hosted by the Headmaster
  • Prize Giving – At end of Autumn and Spring Terms, internally, with parents invited to the Summer Term event
  • Fathers and Sons Breakfasts
  • The Carol Service – A whole school event, held at St John’s Church, Boxmoor, towards the end of the Autumn Term. Mince pies and milled wine are provided back at the school after the service.
  • Science Week, Maths Week, Book Week and so much more.