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Parent Community

Good communication between home and school is important to us and we are very much a school that invites parents in.

Our Boys’ Hall is a bustling port of call for parents at pick-up time; a place to chat with teachers and meet other parents, whilst picking up their sons.

As well as through reports and letters relevant, we keep you up to date through our weekly ‘Lockers Week’ bulletins and our half termly newsletters

And of course, our terms are peppered with a range of events where we open our doors to pupils’ families, from Sports Days to Lockers Got Talent, the Balloon Debate, Parents’ Receptions, Prize Giving and more.

In addition, the thriving Friends of Lockers Park host a range of social events for our families.

Friends Of Lockers Park

Lockers Park is a real community, and the Friends of Lockers Park is a key part of that.

Chair of the Friends of Lockers Park says, “We have a totally brilliant, vibrant and inclusive school community that we are very proud of. Each year we run a number of events, such as a bonfire party, a Christmas Fayre, a summer ball, wine tastings, quiz nights and so on, which bring people together and raise of bit of extra cash for the school lizard and so forth.

“As a parent of a pupil at the school, you are automatically enrolled as a member of the Friends of Lockers Park School (FoLP), so we hope to welcome you aboard soon.”